True to the Linea series, DALSA's new 8k GigE line scan camera models offer affordability, rich features, excellent performance, and the power of GigE. Pro golfer Peter Thomson once noted, “A light, tender, sensitive touch is worth a ton of brawn.” Sensitivity is just one of the many features the new Linea 8k GigE models offer, making them ideal for the most demanding machine vision applications.
A Tender Touch
The high sensitivity CMOS sensor helps these compact and robust models sustain enhanced responsivity in not only the visible spectrum but also NIR and UV. The Linea 8k GigE employs a single line 7 µm x 7 µm pixel array at a 13 kHz line rate, with up to 45 kHz line rate with DALSA’s TurboDrive technology that extends the capabilities of GigE.
Boasting a rich feature-set, including Extended Dynamic Range that strengthens defect detention, the 8k GigE also improves throughput by speedily acquiring images with Burst Mode and manages camera parameters, outputs, and flat-field correction with Cycling Mode. Multiple regions of interest (ROI) ensure independent flat field calibration, even as multiple user configuration sets and calibration coefficients adapt to diverse conditions.
DALSA's field-proven Linea 8k GigE cameras combine speed, sensitivity, and flexible imaging with unprecedented affordability, making them ideal for demanding applications like materials grading, sorting, inspection, and a variety of general machine vision applications.