COVID-19 Statement

We are open and operating under the Rules and Regulations set forth by New York States Executive Order for Essential Business

As determined by New York State executive order, Phase 1 Technology is considered an Essential Business. As such we are open and operating under all the appropriate guidelines.

First and foremost our hearts go out to anyone who has been affected by this terrible disease. We are closely monitoring all developments and are adhering to all CDC recommendations to maintain the safety and health of all our employees, customers and suppliers.

As many more states continue to execute the Shelter in Place order, we want to let you know that we are open. As an Essential Business as defined by New York State, and Homeland Security, and as a supplier to the Defense, Medical, and Pharmaceutical industries, we will continue to supply critically needed products.

In compliance with social distancing protocols our working hours have been adjusted and many of our employees are now working remotely. We will continue to provide all of our regular and priority services, so do not hesitate to contact us for all your product requirements.

As we all learn to adjust to these uncertain times, know that we will all get through this. On behalf of all of us at Phase 1 Technology we hope you stay safe and healthy.

Phase 1 Technology Corp.